Titles can’t have a prefix (letters before a colon) that is an interwiki (includes language codes and project codes) or a namespace prefix (which would place pages in a different namespace), including aliases. Prefixes are not case-sensitive.
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This is a list of notable long words which were formed systematically, or which are mentioned in authoritative sources, but which do not yet meet Wiktionary’s Criteria for Inclusion.
Сырная нарезка на праздничный стол: 20 фото идей и советы от шефа
Due to technical restrictions, some page names are not allowed on Wiktionary. Since Wiktionary uses the term being defined as the page name, there are thus some terms that cannot have their own entry. Some of these are collected here instead. (For more information on the technical restrictions, which are in the software that Wiktionary runs on, see the MediaWiki Handbook.)
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The non-printable control characters (0x00 to 0x1F inclusive and 0x7F, the «delete» character) are also unsupported.
Long words
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Titles can’t have a prefix (letters before a colon) that is an interwiki (includes language codes and project codes) or a namespace prefix (which would place pages in a different namespace), including aliases. Prefixes are not case-sensitive.
Characters not in Unicode
No page title may be longer than 255 bytes (not characters) in UTF-8 encoding.
Сыр песто красный: ароматный и пряный оригинальный продукт
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Long words
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Виды твердых сортов сыра: какие считаются самыми вкусными и популярными
Restrictions may apply to other characters:
Due to technical restrictions, some page names are not allowed on Wiktionary. Since Wiktionary uses the term being defined as the page name, there are thus some terms that cannot have their own entry. Some of these are collected here instead. (For more information on the technical restrictions, which are in the software that Wiktionary runs on, see the MediaWiki Handbook.)
Что такое фета, фетта или фетаки: сыр из солнечной Греции, который покорил весь мир
Many of the above characters have special meanings in wiki syntax or HTML markup.
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