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The results of political elections in Europe and the world in the second decade of the 21st century show a clear trend of strengthening populist movements. One of the fundamental root causes is the persistent and even growing differentiation of the socio-economic development level, which results in permanent peripheralisation and marginalisation of some areas. This results in polarization and radicalization of electoral behaviour as a consequence to the unsatisfactory effectiveness of earlier implemented development activities and the economic exclusion of a part of the society living below the social minimum. The results of our study indicate the persistence of development disparities in Poland, despite the relatively positive trends in economic growth at the national level. We draw attention mainly to the strong significance of historical conditions (relict borders). Against this background, we identify the scope and direction of geographical changes in Poles’ electoral behaviour. We aim to determine the relationship between the level of socio-economic development and the support of political parties in spatial terms. The final conclusions emphasize the persistence of «territorial underpinnings» and socio-economic conditions of electoral populism in Poland, which to a large extent results from historical factors. Not only has the distribution of populism not been changed as a result of transformation and integration changes in Poland, but it has in fact been reinforced. The research procedure consists of three stages presented on separated posters: (1) spatial polarization of development, (2) political scene and electoral behaviour, (3) relations between development level and political preferences. First stage analysis of this cycle in this aims at determination of the scale and causes of subregional development differences in Poland. The analysis deals 2,478 Polish communes (LAU 2) and describes the period of 2004-2016 allowing for interactions determined for Poland during over last two centuries. The research procedure involved the following steps: standardization of variables (23 indicators corresponding to five development factors), cluster analysis using the k-means method for 13 observations, verification of the typology using modified classification trees, creation of the typology for each observation in the pattern of communes with different level of development (five class), and finally the creation of a synthetic typology of the communes in the adopted pattern of development classes. The study used published data of the Central Statistical Office in Warsaw. The obtained results confirmed the occurrence of clear and persistent developmental differences in the space of Poland. They are largely determined by the polycentricity of the settlement network, the distribution of economically strong raw materials and industrial areas, as well as they show a large relationship with historical determinants permanently rooted in Polish space. This study is carried out as part of the FORSED research project ( funded by the National Science Centre (No. 2015/19/B/HS5/00012): New challenges of regional policy in shaping socio-economic development factors of less developed regions.

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13th World Congress of the RSAI. Smart Regions – Opportunities for Sustainable Development in the Digital Era. Moroccan Section of the Regional Science Association International.

13th World Congress of the RSAI. Smart Regions – Opportunities for Su`stainable Development in the Digital Era. Moroccan Section of the Regional Science Association International.

The results of political elections in Europe and the world in the second decade of the 21st century show a clear trend of strengthening populist movements. One of the fundamental root causes is the persistent and even growing differentiation of the socio-economic development level, which results in permanent peripheralisation and marginalisation of some areas. This results in polarization and radicalization of electoral behaviour as a consequence to the unsatisfactory effectiveness of earlier implemented development activities and the economic exclusion of a part of the society living below the social minimum. The results of our study indicate the persistence of development disparities in Poland, despite the relatively positive trends in economic growth at the national level. We draw attention mainly to the strong significance of historical conditions (relict borders). Against this background, we identify the scope and direction of geographical changes in Poles’ electoral behaviour. We aim to determine the relationship between the level of socio-economic development and the support of political parties in spatial terms. The final conclusions emphasize the persistence of «territorial underpinnings» and socio-economic conditions of electoral populism in Poland, which to a large extent results from historical factors. Not only has the distribution of populism not been changed as a result of transformation and integration changes in Poland, but it has in fact been reinforced. The research procedure consists of three stages presented on separated presentations: (1) spatial polarization of development, (2) political scene and electoral behaviour, (3) relations between development level and political preferences. This presentation is about stage 2, the purpose of which was to characterize the Polish political scene and the electoral behaviour of Poles. The temporal scope of the analysis covers mainly the years 2005 and 2015. The analysis is conducted at the level of LAU-2 units (gmina), enabling detailed identification of intra-regional disparities. During analysis there were used desk research and indicators of electoral support level noticed in the parliamentary elections in 2005, 2007, 2011, and 2015. The formation of the Polish political scene during the transformation period was dynamic and characterized by the emergence of new antagonisms. In a generalized perspective the Polish political scene can be divided along two axes: conservatism vs. liberalism and individualism vs. communitarianism. Political parties can be further aggregated into two main political camps: «Solidary Poland» – more conservative and ‘Liberal Poland’ – more progressive. The results of the parliamentary elections justify the statement that the Polish political scene is subject to polarization, which in fact brings the party system closer to the bipolar system. The highest concentration of support for the «Solidary Poland» camp was observed in the south-eastern part of the country. On the other hand, the relatively highest support for the «Liberal Poland» camp was in north-western Poland. This study is carried out as part of the FORSED research project ( funded by the National Science Centre (No. 2015/19/B/HS5/00012): New challenges of regional policy in shaping socio-economic development factors of less developed regions.

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Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy




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