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If your company has received a letter from the SBEX regarding a forcible listing of its securities, but you have not received a second letter from SBEX, please contact your GES attorney for assistance.

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Trading of the shares would trigger certain filing requirements for the company with the SBEX. We have worked with many of these companies to draft letters to the SBEX objecting to the listing of the company’s shares on the SBEX.

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Основана 31 января 1991 года

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As a result, the SPBEX had to reverse its decision to admit securities of foreign companies to trading and has begun issuing letters to this effect to companies that previously received a letter regarding the listing of their securities on the SPBEX.

Effective September 30, 2013, the Central Bank of Russia issued rules requiring that any stock exchange in Russia obtain agreement from an issuer before admitting the issuer’s shares to trading on the exchange.

Email: [email protected]; Телефон: (812) 322-44-11; Факс: (812) 322-73-90; Адрес:690090, Россия, Приморский край, г.о. Владивостокский, г. Владивосток, ул. Алеутская, зд. 45, офис 701. Информация о владельце сайта

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Complex business challenges require an integrated response across different markets, sectors and areas of law. Baker McKenzie’s client solutions provide seamless advice, underpinned by deep practice and sector expertise, as well as first-rate local market knowledge. Across more than 70 offices globally, Baker McKenzie works alongside our clients to deliver solutions for a connected world.

As previously reported in our Client Alert dated September 25, 2013, the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange (the “SPBEX”) has contacted several public U.S. multinational companies informing them that the SPBEX would begin trading the respective company’s shares on the SPBEX at the request of a local broker in Russia.




Основана 31 января 1991 года

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Email: [email protected]; Телефон: (812) 322-44-11; Факс: (812) 322-73-90; Адрес:690090, Россия, Приморский край, г.о. Владивостокский, г. Владивосток, ул. Алеутская, зд. 45, офис 701. Информация о владельце сайта

Торги минеральным сырьем

СПБ Биржа (до 2 июля 2021 года — «Санкт-Петербургская биржа») — российская биржа. Основана в 1997 году. Полное юридическое наименование — Публичное акционерное общество «СПБ Биржа». Сокращенное фирменное наименование на русском языке: ПАО «СПБ Биржа». Полное фирменное наименование на английском языке: Public Joint-Stock Company «SPB Exchange». Сокращенное фирменное наименование на английском языке: PJSC «SPB Exchange».







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