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How do I access FenixInsight.com?

All our sources for news events data are listed within Fenix Insight. We also cache the key information if the original source becomes no longer available.

Identifies common threats accurately in milliseconds

Faster surveying reduces the time personnel need to spend in high risk areas

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Team Admin functionality is given to one member of the team who can assign and remove members from their Fenix Insight enterprise team. Team management can also be carried out by the Account Manager at request.

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Ukrainian Military Portal publications may be cited only under condition of source indication

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Fenix Insight is an online platform accessible through any modern web browser. It is accessible on desktop, phone and tablet web browsers.

Can I trust events data within FenixInsight.com?

Developed by world-leading experts in munition technical intelligence, EOD, demining and land releases

Remote monitoring — drones can be operated from a safe distance

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A Fenix Insight enterprise account allow full access to the technical and events database. A personal Fenix account manager will also be assigned to you and your team to answer questions and provide support.

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Can I access FenixInsight.com offline?

Our technical database is written by industry experts using original technical documents and extensive field knowledge. If you have any questions about the data within Fenix Insight, we can put you in touch with our technical experts.

In field trials in Ukraine, IRIS has allowed drone operators to identify threats which would have otherwise remained hidden, in a fraction of the time traditional mine clearance would take.

Precision and accuracy – our AI algorithms and machine learning models can identify and map threats with high precision, reducing the likelihood of missing or misidentifying UXO

Використання матеріалів, які розміщені на сайті, дозволяється із вказівкою прямого посилання (для — відкритого для пошукових систем гіперпосилання) на безпосередню адресу матеріалу на Сайті. Посилання (гіперпосилання) обов’язково має бути не нижче другого абзацу незалежно від повного або часткового використання матеріалів.
Заборонено передрук та використання матеріалів, у яких міститься посилання на агентства , УНIАН, Reuters, Associated Press.
Матеріали з позначкою PROMO , PR , P , ДУМКА , ІННОВАЦІЇ , АКТУАЛЬНО публікуються на правах реклами.
Матеріали опубліковані з плашкою: , НОВИНИ КОМПАНІЙ чи СПЕЦПРОЕКТ , можуть публікуватися на правах реклами.

News data is captured by our proprietary AI capturing system. The system performs the equivalent of 10 million google searches a day, seeking event data from social media, local news and international news platforms.

«Ukrainian Military Center» Public Organization

How do I manage a large team?

Currently it is only possible to access Fenix Insight with an internet connection.

Can I trust technical data in FenixInsight.com?

IRIS – Image Recognition Identification System

IRIS is our new AI-assisted visual surveying drone, providing a highly advanced and efficient solution for the data collection and surveying of unexploded ordnance. Harnessing cutting-edge AI algorithms and machine learning models, IRIS accurately detects, identifies, and maps UXO threats. By dropping virtual GPS markers, IRIS builds a map for ordnance clearance teams to safely tackle.

© 2024 Depo.ua

How do you capture your news data?

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Please contact our customer support team with your question.

Would you like to discuss partnering with Fenix Insight?

An event is defined as an interaction between a person and a weapon, platform or munition.

A user can create a free Fenix Insight account at fenixinsight.com/register – to access enterprise features, please contact our sales team.

How do I sign up for FenixInsight.com?

Приват: 4731 1856 1559 1812 PayPal — [email protected] Стати нашим патроном за лінком ⬇

Can my whole team sign up for FenixInsight.com with a single account?

Do you have a media enquiry?

What are the benefits of an Enterprise account?

Fenix Insight enterprise accounts can be configured with any number of user ‘seats’ for different members in the same organisation. This can be discussed with our sales team.

What is an ‘Event’ in FenixInsight.com?

Reduces human exposure to hazards

