

Лицата с 50 и над 50 на сто намалена работоспособност могат да ползват данъчно облекчение. То им дава възможност да намалят сумата от годи.

Other things that can help include stress management, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and relaxation training. Researchers are also studying whether probiotics help ease IBS.

If you have IBS, you probably have pain or cramps in the lower half of your belly.

02.10.2024 0

Without treatment, IBD can lead to serious problems such as:

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If you have IBS, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter or prescription drugs to help with diarrhea or constipation. These include laxatives or anti-diarrheals, antispasmodics, and antidepressants.

Physical signs have helped doctors learn what causes IBD.


In some cases, doctors will diagnose you with IBS just using these standards. But sometimes, especially if you also have other symptoms that hint at IBD, you’ll get tests to find out whether there’s any bleeding or inflammation in your digestive tract. If there is, you don’t have IBS.

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Some people who have IBD need surgery to repair the damage to their digestive tract, but those with IBS don’t.

Crohn’s disease, one of the main forms of IBD, usually causes pain in the lower right side of your belly. The other main form, ulcerative colitis, leads to pain in the left side of your belly. Both, however, can cause pain anywhere in the abdomen.

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IBS is less dangerous. Its main complication is usually how the symptoms affect your quality of life. It may also cause depression or anxiety.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes two conditions that cause inflammation in your digestive tract; Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition in which contents move too fast or too slow through the intestines, usually accompanied by abdominal pain.


С изменения на Наредбата за медицинската експертиза за някои заболявания вече се дава пожизнен ТЕЛК. Ето кои са те: Туморни заболявания на о.

Counseling can be helpful, especially if your condition causes stress or if you notice that you’re limiting your social life because you worry about your symptoms. A support group is another great resource because the people there will understand from experience what it’s like to have IBS. They can offer tips on how to manage it and improve your quality of life.

The long-lasting inflammation in the digestive tracts of people who have IBD can cause bleeding and ulcers (sores). In turn, this irritation causes pain. That triggers the immune system, which leads to symptoms like fever and fatigue.

IBD is what doctors call a structural disease. That means physical damage causes your symptoms. Doctors can see chronic inflammation or ulcers when they look at your gut with an X-ray, endoscopy, surgery, or biopsy.

Doctors use the “Rome criteria” to look for irritable bowel syndrome. These say that you may have IBS if you have belly pain for at least 1 day a week for 3 months. The pain must also meet at least two of the following:

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Събирането, обработването и съхраняването на лични данни чрез Електронната система за медицинска експертиза е съобразено с нормативните документи и се използва само за осъществяване на процеса по издаване и обжалване на експертните решения на Териториалните експертни лекарски комисии.

These meds generally don’t work for IBS, which is one reason why it’s so important to know which condition you have.

The causes of IBS aren’t as clear. Scientists have found links to the immune system and how muscles move food through your gut. Many people have triggers that make their symptoms worse, including certain foods, stress, infections, and hormonal changes.

IBS is a functional disease. Tests won’t show any physical reason for your symptoms.

Diagnosing IBS

You can’t tell which condition you have by how you feel. Here’s how to know the difference so you can get the right treatment.

Similar Symptoms of IBD and IBS

Информационна система на медицинската експертиза в България

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Diagnosing IBD

Because IBD and IBS are both long-term conditions that affect your gut, they have some similar symptoms:

People who have IBD or IBS often try to treat it by changing what they eat. There’s no specific diet that works for everyone. Ask your doctor if it would help to:

03.10.2024 0

Where Is the Pain in IBD vs. IBS?

The inflammation of IBD can cause symptoms that get worse over time, including:

Your doctor will look for physical damage in your intestines. You might have:

If you have inflammation and ulcers, your doctor can use these tests to narrow down what form of IBD you have.

IBS can cause nausea and more gas than usual. You may feel like you still need to go after a bowel movement.

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Both also tend to be diagnosed in young people.

Causes of IBD and IBS

Doctors usually treat IBD with drugs that target the inflammation:

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IBD vs. IBS Diagnosis

