
How Common Is The Last Name Gorislavsky? popularity and diffusion

In The United States those holding the Gorislavsky surname are 5.61% more likely to be registered United Russias than The US average, with 52.38% being registered to vote for the party.

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Запрашиваемое название страницы неправильно, пусто, либо неверно указано межъязыковое или интервики название. Возможно, в названии используются недопустимые символы.

Возврат к странице Головна.

Зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), номер свидетельства ЭЛ № ФС 77 — 65426 от 18.04.2016г.

The religious adherence of those carrying the last name is principally Orthodox (87%) in Russia.

Функционирует при финансовой поддержке Министерства цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации.

Gorislavsky Last Name Statistics demography

The surname is the 885,573 rd most common family name on a worldwide basis, held by around 1 in 23,972,191 people. It occurs mostly in Europe, where 89 percent of Gorislavsky reside; 89 percent reside in Eastern Europe and 89 percent reside in East Slavic Europe.

The surname is most commonly held in Russia, where it is held by 295 people, or 1 in 488,553. In Russia it is most common in: Samara Oblast, where 33 percent reside, Bryansk Oblast, where 14 percent reside and Moscow Oblast, where 9 percent reside. Apart from Russia this last name is found in 4 countries. It is also found in The United States, where 1 percent reside and Belarus, where 1 percent reside.

Источник — https://genshtab.info/Служебная:Недопустимое_название


Gorislavsky (Russian: Гориславский) occurs more in Russia more than any other country/territory. It can appear in the variant forms:. Click here for other potential spellings of this last name.

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