
What are the benefits of participating in affiliate programs

Telderi partner can view lots for sale with websites and domains. You can see all the necessary information about the site or domain that you want to purchase. Moreover, the price can vary from the smallest to completely unrealistic — several million rubles. Of course, if you don’t have that kind of money, you can buy an ordinary domain, it will cost much less — about one hundred or two hundred rubles.

With this type of bidding, the seller sets the optimal price and blitz.

Everything is extremely simple here. We indicate the address of your site so that the buyer can look at it and rate it. Optionally, the URL can be hidden and only provided upon request.

Let’s move on to looking at the sections that the buyer should pay attention to. In this article, we will not consider all of them, but only the most important ones:

By the way, the seller has the opportunity to end the auction ahead of schedule, regardless of whether the bid has broken through the optimal price or not.

As strange as it may sound, Telderi’s advantage, which consists in a large number of available lots, is also its disadvantage for an obvious reason — a long waste of time searching for worthy projects from a huge number of all kinds of templates. And various kinds of settings do not always help, say, in terms of price, since even a very high cost of a website can in fact turn out to be a simple gimmick and an inexperienced buyer will be left with nothing. And it’s a shame that Telderi does nothing with this and even gives the site seller the right to block access to his lot for certain buyers, thereby indirectly taking part in the deception. But, on the other hand, Telderi is not guilty of the buyer’s carelessness either, because in the end the site will never complete the deal without the consent of both parties.

Despite all the importance and advantages of the Telderi site for webmasters who are engaged in buying and selling sites, it is not at all devoid of disadvantages, albeit small, but noticeable. And maybe, now someone will classify what I have written as nit-picking, but this is a personal matter for everyone.

There are affiliate programs on almost any modern website, and if you start to understand them, you can get good money.

Суперканалы, звёздные реакции и подписки за звёзды

How does the system of placing lots on the site work? Telderi’s partner puts the lot up for sale at the price that it considers acceptable. The so-called blitz price is also indicated — for this amount, the seller immediately agrees to sell the site or domain, and the buyer sees this amount. The duration of the auction is no more than fifteen days.

The classic version of any auction. The seller starts the auction and the one who, after the expiration of time, offers the highest price is the winner.

Now, transactions with Internet resources have become more transparent and convenient, thanks to Telderi. If you have a site with a constant audience that brings a certain income, but one day you realized that you have lost interest in your project, and it’s a pity to abandon it, then everything is extremely simple — we go to the auction of Telderi sites and set the necessary parameters, oh which, by the way, will now be discussed:

Let’s say you have a certain amount of money and you want to buy yourself an internet site. In most cases, people buy Internet resources with the goal of increasing their money or getting a source of constant income. In the first case, the buyer hopes to resell the site at a higher price over time, and in the second, he adds advertising materials to the site, which will bring him profit depending on the number of visitors. In very rare cases, a person buys a site just for himself, and not for the purpose of making a profit, say a regular blog, in which he shares his thoughts and impressions with a certain audience. No matter what category of buyers you belong to, the principle of buying is always the same.

When the auction is won, the process of closing the deal begins. First of all, the buyer must deposit the required amount of money, then the seller transfers the rights to the domain and the site, and at the end, if there are no claims on both sides, the transaction is considered completed.

A platform called Telderi is a modern high-quality service that is constantly being developed and improved. The site has a wide variety of opportunities, while Telderi hosting reviews are only good.

The Telderi service has excellent functionality and many very useful options. In this regard, for webmasters, this is an excellent option to buy or sell domains and websites safely and with maximum profit.

With the development of information technology, affiliate programs are now popular on the Internet. In fact, in order to start making money on them, you need to become, in a sense, a sales representative of the chosen company, offer services to other users, and for the performance of certain actions by them (most often not just registration, but also the purchase of a service or product) you receive money reward. Accordingly, the more people you invite, and the more they make purchases, the greater your benefit will be. In order to earn decent money on affiliate programs, you need your own resource (website), where you can unobtrusively advertise your personal referral link.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Telderi platform itself is a guarantor for both parties to the transaction. Moreover, it does not make it possible to register an infinite number of accounts for one user, since electronic wallets such as Yandex Money or WebMoney are linked to the account.

1. Auction without a fixed price.

Here you can specify with which content management systems you want to see sites in the list.

At first, like many, eyes start to run up, and in my head there are thoughts: Oh, how much is there, but this incomprehensibility is deceptive and after 1-2 hours you completely understand what, where and how this auction site. And after reading this review, believe me, it will take even less time. So let’s get started Telderi overview:

2. Auction with a fixed (optimal) price.

★★★★⋆ Telderi Review: Buy And Sell Websites Telderi site for buying and selling websites was, is and will be the best in its niche. More than 200,000 users are registered, more than 500 transactions are concluded per month, and there are some of the most famous Internet resources of the Russian Internet.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be said without any exaggeration that the Telderi site for buying and selling websites was, is and will be the best in its niche. For the foreseeable future, so for sure. After all, it is on Telderi that more than 200,000 users are registered, more than 500 transactions are concluded per month, and there are some of the most famous Internet resources of the Russian Internet.

The essence of making money on affiliate programs is that you bring new users to the company who register, perform certain necessary actions, and you receive income.


Of course, the first step is registration. Without registration, absolutely no action with the site will work.

Here it is already more interesting. The seller has several options for selling his site:

This section allows you to remove from the list sites with certain content. For example, if you need a high-quality project, then only the Copyright and Manual rewriting items should be checked.

In this article, I would like to describe in detail the entire process of working with one of the popular projects in the field of WEB, as well as tell about the advantages and disadvantages of this resource and explain to you, dear readers, why it is the best in its niche.

Let’s move now, perhaps, to the main component of any review. A 2-hour story is not enough to describe all the advantages of such a resource as Telderi, so we will highlight and summarize only the most important.

Why choose Telderi for buying or selling websites? Telderi is chosen for its user-friendly platform, a diverse range of websites for sale, secure transaction processes, and support for both buyers and sellers. Its popularity in Eastern Europe and Russia makes it a unique marketplace for web entrepreneurs in these regions.

С сегодняшнего дня группы и каналы могут раздавать Звёзды Telegram в качестве призов в розыгрышах. Кроме того, в браузере Telegram теперь можно открыть любую статью в режиме быстрого…

Telderi is a secure platform that has the status of an exchange where users buy and sell domains and websites. The main advantage of this platform is that all transactions are carried out with guarantees, so there are no risks at all.

Price setting

Telderi is a Russian company that has a certain success in the market among users. Most importantly, with the help of Telderi you can buy and sell not only sites and domains, but also Vkontakte groups, Telegram groups and channels, as well as YouTube channels, and Instagram profiles. This is very convenient — it is now very popular to do business through social networks, and sometimes you may need to sell it.

Affiliate programs review offers a variety of interaction options, so you need to study the pros and cons before choosing the program you need.

Affiliate programs are a popular form of additional income that you can engage in both actively and passively. There are programs in which it will be enough for you to place a link to the advertised product, and there are those in which your active participation in promotion and sales is required.

In this section, the buyer indicates the desired number of users and views per month, as well as the SEO parameters of the site (TIC, ICS, PR, etc.)

In the left column there is a section Price, where you can set limits on the display of sites whose cost exceeds, say, 30,000 rubles. This can be done both for the current price, and for the optimal price, that is, the one at which the seller undertakes to sell the Internet resource.

6 сен. 2024

Here the buyer indicates how much profit and costs the site carries. You can specify Total Income, Income Per 1000 Visitors, Net Income, and even ROI. If the buyer does not trust the sites shown, he can select the Income confirmed item, which will leave in the list only those projects whose owners have proven the specified profit. The last section in this category is called Sources of Income. Here the buyer can choose what methods of monetization the resource uses (Contextual advertising, Banner and teaser networks, Link exchanges, etc.)

Another important section. Search engines are more loyal to sites as they age.

Information about the site

Currently, earnings with affiliate programs are gaining popularity in many countries. Many companies offer their clients to become participants in their affiliate programs and get some benefit from this.

After these nuances are met, you can start choosing a site or domain that you want to purchase. By default, all lots on Telderi are sorted by popularity, however, it is possible to customize the search parameters for yourself.

When registering on the platform, one kopeck will be debited from WebMoney, and two kopecks from Yandex Money. When this happens, you can write messages to other users on the site. But in order to place a bet, you need to pay an additional one hundred rubles of the deposit. As soon as the transaction is completed in your favor, this money will become available in your account and you can use it.

The section is important when buying a news site. The presence of an Internet resource in Yandex.News or Google News significantly increases its value.

I asked myself the same question, as soon as I saw interesting lists with a price tag in the right column, and within a minute, even before my friend explained to me what kind of resource I was in front of, I immediately guessed — this is an auction of Internet sites, where anyone can sell his project, starting from a simple business card site, riveted in 1 day and ending with a well-known forum with a million audience. For about 1-2 hours, a friend explained to me all the nuances of working with this site and I became interested, and so that later Telderi became for me one of the indispensable things in the world of WEB, and it was on it that I began to buy and sell sites of various nature .

As mentioned earlier, with the advent of Telderi, publishers finally have the opportunity to sell their projects, if for some reason there is no time or even lost interest in them, and not abandon them. Well, and the most important thing is, of course, that all transactions can be carried out safely, without fear that one of the parties will refuse to comply with the terms of the contract.

The price category called Blitz deserves a separate mention. By setting a blitz price under his lot, the seller of the site will not only have to sell his resource, but in addition, the auction immediately stops, and the buyer who has deposited funds for payment instantly becomes the winner.

Here the seller must provide a description of his resource (subject, age, income, etc.)


I got to know the Telderi platform shortly before I started developing websites. Acquaintance with it was quite spontaneous — a friend who worked as a webmaster for us wanted to show me his increase to his salary during his work break. To tell you the truth, I had no particular desire to look at his income, since I don’t like counting other people’s money, and it’s ugly, but my friend insisted, because he always trusted me and did not consider me an envious person (which, in general, is true ). And then, coming to his workplace, my friend sat down at his laptop and enthusiastically opened a website called TELDERI.

Сегодня Telegram исполняется 11 лет. В праздничное обновление вошли звёздные реакции и подписки за звёзды, с помощью которых можно поддержать…

When the site is selected, the auction is held, the question arises: what to do next. Now you need to pay for the site or domain, for this a message will be sent to your profile with detailed instructions on how to do this. First you need to start re-registering the domain in your name. If you have any questions, you can contact the hosting. Well, when these details are settled, you can start developing your own website.

I think many will agree that the main difference between Telderi and other similar resources is the incredible number of different projects. It is impossible to find such a huge amount of Internet resources of various kinds on any site for the safe purchase and sale of sites. Here you have just domains, and landing pages, and message boards, and YouTube channels, and even the most famous sites with a million audience.

Telderi is not just a website, it is a whole exchange that helps its users to buy and sell websites. The exchange gained popularity back in 2011, when it first appeared on the market. A large indicator of successful transactions with a guarantee, a large number of sites offered for sale through Telderi — all this definitely inspires confidence.

I don’t know about you, but I am personally very familiar with the situation when many projects were simply “blown away” because their author had lost the desire to develop and support them. Unfortunately, the Telderi site appeared only in 2011, and until that moment the publisher had only two options: to abandon the project or try to find a buyer on some forum, which was very difficult, and there were still no guarantees that one of the the parties will not try to cheat.

What is this site for?

The Telderi Affiliate Program is simple enough to understand. To become a member, you need to bring friends and acquaintances to the site, and receive income from their turnover. The most important thing is that in no case should you launch an advertisement and place your referral link in it, this will be considered a cheat, even if quite real users are registered. If the system detects such a case, then such users will be deleted, and all income that you received from them will be canceled.

Telderi’s website is great for stated deals — selling and buying websites and domains. Telderi partners are always satisfied with the transactions, since the platform acts as a guarantor for both buyers and sellers.

Review of the platform for the safe sale of websites and domains Telderi
