Long words
The non-printable control characters (0x00 to 0x1F inclusive and 0x7F, the «delete» character) are also unsupported.
Due to technical restrictions, some page names are not allowed on Wiktionary. Since Wiktionary uses the term being defined as the page name, there are thus some terms that cannot have their own entry. Some of these are collected here instead. (For more information on the technical restrictions, which are in the software that Wiktionary runs on, see the MediaWiki Handbook.)
Many of the above characters have special meanings in wiki syntax or HTML markup.
With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.
Development Projects
Sorry: the page title you requested is not supported by our software. It is possible that the entry you are looking for is below; if not, please request it or add it yourself.
The following characters cannot be used at all:
Titles can’t have a prefix (letters before a colon) that is an interwiki (includes language codes and project codes) or a namespace prefix (which would place pages in a different namespace), including aliases. Prefixes are not case-sensitive.
This is a list of notable long words which were formed systematically, or which are mentioned in authoritative sources, but which do not yet meet Wiktionary’s Criteria for Inclusion.
Restrictions may apply to other characters:
No page title may be longer than 255 bytes (not characters) in UTF-8 encoding.
About the World Bank
The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face.
Дахин хуралдаж энэхүү шийдвэрийг гаргажээ.
Зохиомол зүйлс баримт мэт болж, худал мэдээлэл олны анхаарлын төвд буцлахыг гэрчлэн буй өнөөгийн дэлхийд үнэнийг сонгоно гэдэг хэзээ ч ийм чухал, бас хэцүү байсангүй.
Төрсөн өдрийн төөрөг чинь хэлээд өгдөг байна.
Characters not in Unicode
Киноны гол баатар Женна Ортега
Experts And Leaders
«Орфей бурхныг хөгжмөө тоглоход ямар ч араатан амьтан номхорч, амьгүй бүхэн амь орж, өвс ногоо найгаж байдаг. Энэ өгүүлбэр урлагийн мөн чанарыг тодорхой илэрхийлсэн учраас би “Орфей” гэх нэрийг сонгож, театраа нэрийдсэн юм. «
Үзэх юмтай болох нь дээ.
#JournalismMatters: Бүхний түрүүнд үнэнийг сонго
Unsupported prefix
Т.Ариунчимэг: “Амьдрахуй” гэдгийг бид “хүлцэхүй” юм байна гэж тодорхойлсон
Хөөрхөн ч аймшигтай Женна Ортега 22 нас хүрлээ
Зурхай: Энэ ертөнцөд яах гэж ирснээ та мэдэх үү?
Unsupported length