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How Common Is The Last Name Motek? popularity and diffusion

Motek (Russian: Мотек) occurs more in Poland more than any other country/territory. It may be rendered in the variant forms:. Click here to see other potential spellings of Motek.

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The last name is most numerous in Poland, where it is borne by 182 people, or 1 in 208,839. Apart from Poland it exists in 13 countries. It is also common in Iraq, where 6 percent live and Germany, where 6 percent live.

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Possible causes are:

It is the 990,978 th most frequently occurring last name on a global scale It is held by around 1 in 28,137,243 people. Motek occurs mostly in Europe, where 78 percent of Motek live; 71 percent live in Eastern Europe and 71 percent live in West Slavic Europe. Motek is also the 1,234,572 nd most widespread forename globally It is held by 63 people.

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Motek earn a lot more than the average income. In United States they earn 35.43% more than the national average, earning $58,438 USD per year.

Motek Last Name Statistics demography
