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1.9 MILES Munich’s main repository of Old European Masters is crammed with all the major players who decorated canvases between the 14th and 18th centuries. This…

Streetview on Luitpold Prinzregent Statue and Bavarian National Museum Munich

The complex draws people year-round with concerts, festivals and sporting events, and its swimming hall and ice-skating rink are open to the public.

Олимпия парк

Елегантно и модерно завършена сграда с най-висок клас съвременни материали и висококачествена, енергоспестяваща дограма и стъклопакет, гарантиращи дълъг живот на експлоатация. Общите части ще бъдат завършени с гранит, ефектна мазилка с боя, алуминиев парапет и енергоспестяващи осветителни тела. На територията на комплекса ще има хранителни и други магазини, ресторант, кафе, сладкарница и разнообразие от офиси в услуга на обитателите.

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Olympiapark has two famous eye-catchers: the 290m Olympiaturm and the warped Olympiastadion. Germans have a soft spot for the latter because it was on this hallowed turf in 1974 that the national soccer team – led by ‘the Kaiser’, Franz Beckenbauer – won the FIFA World Cup.

2.42 MILES The sprawling English Garden is among Europe’s biggest city parks – it even rivals London’s Hyde Park and New York’s Central Park for size – and is a…


2.03 MILES Germany’s largest modern-art museum unites four significant collections under a single roof: 20th-century art, applied design from the 19th century to…


A good first stop is the Info-Pavilion, which has information, maps, tour tickets and a model of the complex. Staff also rent out MP3 players for a self-guided audio tour.

Олимпия парк

Комплексът се намира в близост до парк Лаута, главни булеварди и хипермаркети. БЕЗ КОМИСИОННА ОТ КУПУВАЧА!

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7.63 MILES Officially called the KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau, this was the Nazis’ first concentration camp, built by Heinrich Himmler in March 1933 to house political…

2.72 MILES Picture the classic 19th-century museum, a palatial neoclassical edifice overflowing with exotic treasure and thought-provoking works of art, a repository…

Lonely Planet’s must-see attractions

3.3 MILES If you’re one of those people for whom science is an unfathomable turn-off, a visit to the Deutsches Museum might just show you that physics and…


When the sky is clear, you’ll quite literally have Munich at your feet against the breathtaking backdrop of the Alps from the top of the Olympiaturm.

The area to the north of the city where soldiers once paraded and the world’s first Zeppelin landed in 1909 found a new role in the 1960s as the Olympiapark. Built for the 1972 Olympic Summer Games, it has quite a small-scale feel, and some may be amazed that the games could once have been held at such a petite venue.

Паркирането е осигурено на 100 процента чрез подземни и надземни паркоместа и гаражиБЕЗ КОМИСИОННА ОТ КУПУВАЧ!

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2.56 MILES Home to Bavaria’s Wittelsbach rulers from 1508 until WWI, the Residenz is Munich’s number-one attraction. The amazing treasures, as well as all the…

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Interior view of the Pinakothek der Moderne, Rotunda, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

2.64 MILES This commanding palace and its lavish gardens sprawl around 5km northwest of the Altstadt. Begun in 1664 as a villa for Electress Adelaide of Savoy, the…

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Munich/Germany-September 8 2017:.Exterior of camp facilities with memorial sculpture and wall, at Dachau Concentration Camp, Munich, Germany.; KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau Shutterstock ID 760718488; your: Bridget Brown; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: POI Image Update

Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Bavaria, Germany

500px Photo ID: 141403461 - Photo by Savvy Gao

Isar Cycle Route, Monopteros in background, English Garden, Munich, Upper Bavaria, Germany



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