
Explore how civil engineers can balance creativity with industry norms to design innovative yet compliant structures.

You’re considering a venture capital deal. How do you navigate risk and reward discussions with founders?

Overcome opposition from challenging team members in meetings with these effective strategies. Acknowledge concerns, set engagement rules, and foster solutions.

Discover strategies for career advancement as a Web3 developer specializing in smart contracts within the blockchain industry.

When portfolio companies hit rough waters, how do you steer the ship? Share your approach to making critical, timely decisions.

— Один из ключевых элементов Стратегии — внедрение риск-ориентированного подхода. Что удалось сделать в этом направлении за прошедший год?

Achieve success in contract negotiations while maintaining respect. Uncover tactics for balanced and valued negotiation outcomes.

Stay on top of your game when urgent tasks shake up your schedule. Learn strategies for prioritizing tasks and managing expectations effectively.

Embrace diversity in Venture Capital to drive innovation and growth. Discuss how diversifying your portfolio can benefit your firm and the industry.

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You’re managing multiple portfolio companies in crisis. How do you decide who gets urgent assistance first?

Stay on task at work despite constant interruptions. Set boundaries, use visual cues, and schedule buffer times to maintain focus on important tasks.

Navigating stakeholder objections can be tricky. Uncover strategies for persuading and aligning with resistant stakeholders.

Mastering the art of venture capital deals involves weighing risk and reward. Discuss strategies for effective discussions with startup founders.

— В 2022 году мы развернули основные инструменты управления рисками в пилотных цехах. И травматизм в этих подразделениях снизился не на «средние» 10, а на 80 процентов!

Encounter a snag in your R&D project? Discuss how to overcome resource shortages and ensure on-time project delivery.

Bounce back from research setbacks with positivity and motivation using these practical steps for adjusting goals and learning from challenges.

Learn how to assign tasks effectively in a digital strategy team with our expert tips on delegation, collaboration, and progress monitoring.

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Here’s how you can effectively manage your time as a self-employed 3D printing consultant.

Learn how strategic thinking can help you manage looming IT risks and make informed decisions in IT operations for better security.

Overcome technical challenges in automating data extraction tasks with strategic problem-solving and expert advice for a smoother workflow.

Discover essential time management strategies for self-employed 3D printing consultants to optimize workflow and increase productivity.

Кроме портала, мы предлагаем вам и альманах «Управление производством». Все самое интересное и уникальное мы публикуем именно в нем. 300+ мощных кейсов, готовых к использованию чек-листов и других полезных материалов ждут вас в полном комплекте номеров. Оформляйте подписку и получайте самое лучшее!

Master the art of dealing with conflicting coaching styles on your team. Discuss and share strategies for effective team management and harmony.

Striking the right balance in CAD designs can be tricky. Share your experience in merging visual appeal with practical use.

Learn how to avoid confirmation bias in user research, which can affect your insights and design decisions. Follow these tips to conduct more objective and reliable…

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Про осознанную безопасность

We are aware of an attempted fraudulent scheme that seeks to defraud the public via sale of financial instruments, allegedly linked to Solidcore Resources.
We would like to reiterate that Solidcore Resources has no financial instruments outstanding except its common stock, listed on MOEX and AIX.
Solidcore Resources does not have any official accounts in social media except of Youtube and LinkedIn.
Any statements purportedly provided on behalf of a company is deliberate misrepresentation.

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— Естественно (улыбается). Мой отец очень любит работать ручным инструментом — болгаркой, например. И я буквально заставляю его пользоваться средствами защиты, покупаю правильные СИЗ, объясняю, как их применять. По сути, регулярно провожу с ним диалоги безопасности.

Tackle game narrative challenges by incorporating playtester feedback. Discuss strategies for enhancing story coherence in game design.

Navigate the intricate dynamics of R&D teams by setting clear goals, promoting respectful communication, and fostering empathy among members.

Avoid retail stockouts with effective inventory strategies. Discuss your approaches to maintaining optimal stock levels in fast-paced retail settings.

Navigate the challenges of regaining coachee trust. Discuss strategies for fostering renewed confidence in coaching dynamics.

Про природу и учёбу

You are downloading Integrated Annual Report . Please note that some ESG data are available in Sustainability Performance Data 2021 (GRI and SASB) that outlines our key non‑financial performance information for financial year 2021. While the selected annual report is being downloaded, we want to draw your attention to the Sustainability Report. It provides detailed information on ESG indicators.

— А сами вы используете в повседневной жизни нормы и правила безопасности, которые внедряете на производстве?

Connect with key decision-makers by establishing credibility, listening actively, and following up persistently. Master the art of persuasion with these techniques.

As an educational leader, managing your workload is key. Discuss strategies for prioritizing tasks amidst changing academic landscapes.

Balance is key when handling client demands in a data breach scenario. Discover strategies for maintaining client relations while investigating.

Address safety concerns effectively when colleagues bypass protocols. Confront, report, and educate to ensure workplace safety and compliance.

Про норму лидера

While the selected files are being downloaded, we want to draw your attention to the reports on the sustainable development of the company. They provide detailed information on ESG indicators.

Лидерство — это внутреннее состояние человека. И лидером в вопросах безопасности может стать не только руководитель, но и любой работник. Это и есть наша цель, если говорить в философском плане.

Navigating the complexities of stakeholder preferences can be tricky. Reveal your tactics for achieving effective system design harmony.

Strike a balance in R&D communication by valuing both creativity and feasibility. Encourage collaboration and set clear, realistic goals for successful innovation.

Learn how entrepreneurs can predict market trends with effective data analysis for strategic decision-making.

When personal actions undermine your brand, a strategy to bounce back is crucial. Share experiences of reclaiming your professional image.

How do you avoid confirmation bias in user research?

Build a cohesive team approach to customer issue resolution with these key strategies. Encourage open dialogue and trial new methods together.

Master the art of syncing teams and influencers. Unveil your tactics for overcoming project milestone misunderstandings.

Explore how your passion for sustainability can fuel creativity in energy engineering, from renewable tech to green building design.

Transitioning to modern retail sales can be a challenge. Uncover strategies for updating your approach and share how you’ve succeeded.

При внедрении нормы работ к подготовке новых инструкций и АБВР привлекали опытных рабочих, мастеров, линейных руководителей. И они с готовностью откликались, понимая: теперь от них лично зависит, насколько полезным и понятным получится документ. Думаю, всё это и говорит о признании рабочими нашей концепции.

Balance maintaining your personal brand integrity with integrating constructive feedback. Adapt wisely, engage in dialogue, and stay true to your values.

Беседовали Ярослав Макаров и Елена Титова. Фото Александра Белашова и Валерия Воронова

Discover the role of a Business Analyst through hands-on internship experiences in data analysis and stakeholder management.

You’re investing in underrepresented founders. How can you diversify your Venture Capital firm’s portfolio?

Discover how to build a successful Business Operations consulting practice with expert tips on specialization, branding, and client value.

Clients fixing their own computers may risk data loss, ESD damage, and voiding warranties. Ensure they’re aware of these potential issues with our guide.

Successfully negotiate with potential investors by being transparent, clearly outlining your vision, and actively listening to concerns. Build trust while…

Learn how to unite and focus your team during a data breach in Information Systems. Effective strategies for managing high-pressure situations.

Люди осознают, что охрана труда — это не кнут и пряник, а системная работа, видят положительные результаты и меняют своё отношение к нашей системе. В подразделениях, где уже применяют риск-ориентированный подход, многие работники сами выявляют риски и сообщают о них.

Learn to prioritize tasks for success in digital strategy projects with key insights on goal alignment, impact assessment, and smart delegation.

А посмотрите, какие изменения произошли в сфере дорожного движения: кто у нас 30 лет назад пристёгивался ремнём безопасности, выбирал правильный скоростной режим? Такое поведение воспринималось как признак слабости. И сравните, как сегодня относятся к дорожной безопасности водители, как следят за состоянием дорог соответствующие службы.

Navigate conflicting feedback in User Experience Design (UED) by assessing impacts, facilitating dialogue, and prototyping solutions to balance CEO and user needs.

You’re overseeing a digital strategy team. How do you ensure tasks are assigned effectively?

Learn how to identify when your B2B marketing strategy needs a change and how to respond effectively to market challenges and customer feedback.

Learn how to professionally handle disputes over data analysis findings with coworkers, ensuring accuracy and collaboration in your workplace.

Mastering task order in agile sprints can be challenging. Unveil your tactics for prioritizing UED tasks and maintaining productivity.

Learn how to effectively manage community feedback in civil engineering design for projects that meet both technical standards and local expectations.

— Да, несомненно. Мы с самого начала стремились уйти от функции контролёров и стать помощниками. Раньше специалист по охране труда выявлял нарушение, писал предписание — и всё: иди, начальник, занимайся! Соответственно, отношение к нему было негативным. А сейчас мы выявляем именно риски и опасности. Доходим до рабочего места и выясняем, почему возникла такая ситуация, как её не допустить в дальнейшем. Ищем корневые причины и способы устранить или минимизировать угрозу.

Address the challenge of a colleague ignoring junior team feedback with effective strategies. Encourage open dialogue and equal voice for team inclusivity.

— Можно ли говорить, что приоритет безопасности в быту и на производстве — это уже общероссийская тенденция?

Turn social media leads into loyal customers with personalization, value-added perks, and responsive adjustments to feedback.

