
Panse Family Population Trend historical fluctuation

In The United States those bearing the Panse last name are 27.78% more likely to be registered with the Republican Party than the national average, with 74.55% being registered to vote for the party.

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The last name Panse (Hindi: पान्से, Marathi: पानसे, Russian: Пансе) is carried by more people in India than any other country or territory. It may occur in the variant forms: Pansé or Pansè. Click here for other possible spellings of this surname.

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The surname is the 68,927 th most commonly held last name throughout the world, held by around 1 in 1,012,019 people. The surname Panse occurs predominantly in Asia, where 79 percent of Panse are found; 77 percent are found in South Asia and 77 percent are found in Indo-South Asia. It is also the 624,169 th most frequently held forename in the world, held by 210 people.

The prevalency of Panse has changed through the years. In The United States the share of the population with the last name increased 1,237 percent between 1880 and 2014.

The surname Panse is most widespread in India, where it is carried by 5,575 people, or 1 in 137,590. In India Panse is mostly found in: Maharashtra, where 94 percent reside, Madhya Pradesh, where 1 percent reside and Gujarat, where 0 percent reside. Without taking into account India Panse exists in 37 countries. It also occurs in Germany, where 10 percent reside and Nigeria, where 4 percent reside.

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How Common Is The Last Name Panse? popularity and diffusion

Panse earn notably more than the average income. In United States they earn 21.22% more than the national average, earning $52,304 USD per year.

Panse Last Name Statistics demography



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