
ПД „Каблар“ Чачак и комисија за планинарски трекинг ПСС позивају такмичаре на 7. коло трекинг и трејл лиге Србије 19.10.2024.године Организатор: ПД „Каблар“ Чачак Датум:19. 10. 2024. (субота).

Bad title

The requested page title is invalid. It may be empty, contain unsupported characters, or include a non-local or incorrectly linked interwiki prefix. You may be able to locate the desired page by searching for its name (with the interwiki prefix, if any) in the search box.

Possible causes are:

  • an attempt to load a URL such as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/| (the | character is unsupported);
  • an attempt to load a URL pointing to a «non-local» interwiki page (usually those not run by the Wikimedia Foundation). For example, the URL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/meatball:WikiPedia will give this error, because the «meatball:» interwiki prefix is not marked as local in the interwiki table. Certain interwiki prefixes are marked as local in the table. For example, the URL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/meta:Main_Page can be used to load meta:Main_Page. All interlanguage prefixes are marked as local, and thus URLs such as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/fr:Accueil will work as expected. However, non-local interwiki pages can still be accessed by interwiki linking or by entering them in the search box. For example [[meatball:WikiPedia]] can be used on a page, like this: meatball:WikiPedia.

Retrieved from «https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Badtitle»

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Planinarski objekti i tereni

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25. сеп

Kamp za mlade i perspektivne speleologe

Ovčar banja Komisija za speleologiju Pročitaj više
27. сеп

1.kolo TLS

Rajac PSK Pobeda Beograd Pročitaj više
26. сеп

Dan čistih planina

Rajac PSK Pobeda Beograd Pročitaj više
12. сеп

Državno prvenstvo u sportskom penjanju na prirodnim stenama

Vrmdža Komisija za sportsko penjanje Pročitaj više

Učlanjenjem u planinarsku organizaciju ukazuje vam se prilika da vodite zdrav način življenja u društvu vama sličnih ljudi. Pruža vam se mogućnost da se na organizovan i bezbedan način bavite sportskim i sportsko – rekreativnim aktivnostima, upoznate planinske predele kroz aktivni boravak u prirodi, sprovodite aktivnosti zaštite i očuvanja vrednosti planinskih predela .

Članstvom u planinarskoj organizaciji obezbeđuje se i niz mogućnosti i povoljnosti za nosioce planinarske legitimacije među kojima izdvajamo:

  • Učestvovanje na raznovrsnim i brojnim planinarskim manifestacijama i takmičenjima.
  • Stručne obuke i usavršavanja radi sticanja upotrebljivih veština i znanja.
  • Organizovano delovanje radi zaštite i očuvanja vrednosti planina.
  • Korišćenje smeštajnih kapaciteta u planinarskim domovima.
  • Korišćenje uslova kolektivnog osiguranja planinara na organizovanim planinarskim akcijama.
  • Ostvarivanje prava popusta prilikom kupovine raznovrsne planinarske odeće i opreme kod kompanija sa kojima je Planinarski savez Srbije postigao sporazum o saradnji i povoljnosti kupovine.

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Prijava na obaveštenja putem mejla


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Request from via cp3067 cp3067, Varnish XID 1014998476
Upstream caches: cp3067 int
Error: 429, Too many requests at Fri, 04 Oct 2024 12:48:25 GMT


See here for the complete, dynamically-generated list.

Unsupported symbols

The following characters cannot be used at all:

Many of the above characters have special meanings in wiki syntax or HTML markup.

The non-printable control characters (0x00 to 0x1F inclusive and 0x7F, the «delete» character) are also unsupported.

Restrictions may apply to other characters:

  • Titles cannot start with a colon.
  • Relative path page titles (such as «.» «..» or «/./») are invalid.
  • Underscores are converted to spaces. Leading and trailing spaces/underscores are removed. Consecutive spaces and underscores between non-whitespace characters are reduced to one. Page titles consisting of only spaces or underscores are invalid as empty. Underscores can be displayed in page titles in place of spaces with the DISPLAYTITLE magic word, although it is not used in most cases.
  • Page titles cannot contain three or more consecutive tildes (~).
  • A title may contain the character %, unless it is followed by two hexadecimal digits.
  • While the semicolon is a valid character, most page titles ending with a semicolon formerly were normally inaccessible due to a software bug; this was tracked in Phabricator and resolved. However, page titles still cannot contain a string that is a named HTML character reference.
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] [ (space)] [ (space in Ogham)

Unsupported length

No page title may be longer than 255 bytes (not characters) in UTF-8 encoding.

  • Ancient Greek dish (full title would be 343 bytes)
  • Thai name of Bangkok (full title would be 423 bytes)

Unsupported prefix

Titles can’t have a prefix (letters before a colon) that is an interwiki (includes language codes and project codes) or a namespace prefix (which would place pages in a different namespace), including aliases. Prefixes are not case-sensitive.

  • c:a ( c: is a prefix for Wikimedia Commons )
  • d:r ( d: is a prefix for Wikidata )
  • EU:s ( eu: is a prefix for the Basque Wiktionary )
  • n:a ( n: is a prefix for Wikinews )
  • n:o
  • n:r
  • n:s
  • s:a ( s: is a prefix for Wikisource )
  • S:t
  • S:ta
  • S:t Michel
  • SD:are ( sd: is a prefix for the Sindhi Wiktionary )
  • st:a ( st: is a prefix for the Sesotho Wiktionary )
  • v:a ( v: is a prefix for Wikiversity )

Characters not in Unicode

  • (cifrão)
  • (old Israeli shekel)
  • (pansexual)
  • (church ruins)
  • (turned small-capital A)
  • (b with top hook to left)
  • (capital D with hook and tail)
  • (hɥ ligature)
  • (reversed r)
  • (superscript S)
  • (turned small-capital U)
  • (z with left hook)
  • (turned ezh)
  • (double qoppa)
  • (dotted double qoppa)
  • (capital casing form of the letter ⟨ʕ⟩ )
  • (lowercase casing form of the letter ⟨ʕ⟩ )
  • (linearized tilde)


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Request from via cp3067 cp3067, Varnish XID 1006489366
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