Blag rkc

I can tell you that simply performing a getup with a heavy kettlebell is exciting. Getups give me and my clients a ton of confidence which spills over into other areas of our lives.

Increase Grip Strength with Bottom-Up Kettlebell Exercises

Overhead Squat Progression: I started with a dowel and built up to 10 reps before moving to a single kettlebell. Once I could do 5 reps/side, I moved up to next kettlebell. Once I could do 5 reps with a 16kg kettlebell, I switched to practicing windmills.

Look, I’m not going to say that the movement is for everyone. And I’m also not going to criticize using the individual components of the getup on their own, there’s gold in those movements. And I’m also not throwing shade at biceps curls. I love a curl.

Strength Block 1:
Overhead Squat
Kettlebell Row
Plank variation
x 3 sets

When you learn to breathe properly you will begin to feel your stomach, ribs, and chest raise up and widen as you inhale, then begin to create tension and pull together as you exhale. The better you become at feeling your breath and intra-abdominal muscles, the greater your pelvis and spinal stability will be because you have trained the muscles to properly do their job as stabilizers in which you will create greater strength.

In summary, your kettlebell training can improve tenfold by simply improving your breathing because it can increase your endurance, strengthen your core, and helps you learn.

Bottom-Up Press: I started with a 10kg kettlebell and gradually built up to 5 reps. Once I could do 5 reps, I moved up to next kettlebell.

Turkish Get-up: My first goal was to comfortably complete 3 reps/side starting with a 16kg kettlebell. Once I could do 3 reps per side, I moved up to the next kettlebell.

A3. Single Arm Kettlebell Row/Assisted Single Arm Kettlebell Row 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps each side

Work on Thoracic Spine Mobility

Strength Block 2:
Single Leg Deadlift
Bottom-Up Press or Getup
Loaded Carry
x 3 sets

I can also tell you that when I give my gen pop clients a bunch of getups in the beginning of their workouts, they move better and have more access to certain ranges of motion throughout the session. Not a bad thing.

Breathing can strengthen your core by teaching the deep core muscles how to work together to provide spinal stability. These muscles are your diaphragm, intercostals, serratus anterior, psoas, transverse abdominis, internal/external obliques, rectus abdominis, quadratus lumborum, erectors, and your pelvic floor. When you look at a diagram of the human anatomy you will see a lot of deep red muscles in these areas. What that signifies is that they are slow twitch fibers which means that they need oxygen as a main energy source to do their jobs.

When you’re able to regulate your breathing, it improves your cognitive function meaning that you are going to able to retain more and understand movement better when it comes to learning some of the complexities to exercises like the kettlebell swing or the Turkish Get-Up.

Single Leg Deadlift: I worked up to doing 5 reps/leg with 32kg, once I could do that I started practicing with double kettlebells.

Overhead Lunges: I started with 16kg and built up to 5 reps/side. Once I could do 5x per side with a 20kg kettlebell, I switched to practicing the Bent Press.

A2. Kettlebell Goblet Squat/Elevated KB Goblet Squat 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps

The reason you should be placing greater focus on your PNS is because that’s where your cognitive function can be greatly improved upon. When your nervous system isn’t always hijacked by stress you’re able to be calmer and more relaxed which helps improve your cognitive functions. You do this by practicing the breathing skills above to learn how to lower your heart rate and reduce your physical symptoms of stress.

How Breathing Can Improve Your Kettlebell Training

The squat as taught in the HKC/RKC are useful in several ways. We like the squat as the end game for connecting the dots of the rehab program. It requires mobility and stability to perform and control of the breathing and tension. We use Bottoms Up Squats to test for connectivity of the core with the movement pattern. If the Bottoms Up Squat cannot be performed, there is a leak in the pattern.

B2. Kettlebell Bottom Up Press 5 sets of 5 reps each side

It’s already known that when kettlebells are properly trained and programmed, they are the highest caloric output form of conditioning and they have little to no impact. They’re very safe and effective.

Andrea Du Cane is Director of Certifications for Dragon Door Publications, a Master Kettlebell Instructor, ACE-GF, ACE Senior Fitness Specialist, CK-FMS certified, TRX certified, CICS certified, RIST- ZHealth certified, and has a BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota. She has written and produced two DVDs: The Kettlebell Goddess Workout DVD, a top selling Kettlebell DVD on and The Kettlebell Boomer. Her DVD, Working With Special Populations, was filmed at the RKC Level II. Her Ageless Body Book was released fall of 2011. She is a contributor to Fitness Trainer Magazine and Breaking Muscle Website and Coach’s Only Podcasts. She has published articles on Russian Kettlebells for Best Body Magazine and for Oxygen Magazine. She was a featured presenter for the annual 2018 AFS conferences in China. She has presented for the EMPOWER! Conferences held around the U.S since 2014. She has presented at the Dragon Door Health & Strength conferences, in 2015 & 2016. Andrea travels around the world certifying HKC & RKC instructors in Kettlebell training.

Another example would be to look at the Turkish Get-Up one of the best exercises that trains the body and core in a variety of different planes of motions in which the core must be able to work together with the moving limbs to move properly.

Instead of going right into challenging their surface area of support, challenge their base of support first. This allows you to help build a stronger base of support and go from stable to least stable using their own biomechanics.

B1. Kettlebell Hip roll 3 sets of 3 reps each direction

This is where breath-work can help you reduce these symptoms of inhibited breathing by increasing your endurance, enhancing core strength, and regulating your cognitive function. Breathing is one of the most underrated exercises, but it’s the most critical to your foundation for life. There are 1,000 ways you can breathe. I’ll only cover a couple in this article to get you started with increasing your performance, reducing your stress, and improving your strength.

Work on Thoracic Spine Mobility

1 Arm Swings

The swing is a great tool for working with patients with issues in the back. For back pain we start with the basics, breathing. We start with crocodile breathing as taught in the HKC and RKC. A large problem that we find with low back pain and other injuries are breathing dysfunctions. A large portion of our patient base breathe in the upper chest, using traps and accessory muscles to breathe versus the diaphragm. Breathing has been shown to help inhibit the paraspinal muscles and help with spasms. Proper breathing patterns help with balance, pain and the ability to access full strength in a patient. (2)

The test is not a race. You have five minutes to complete the Snatch Test and I strongly recommend that you use all of it. Someone who completes the test in 3:50, and someone who completes it in 4:59, will both pass. But I will guarantee you that the person who used as much time as possible had an easier time and exhibited much, much better technique.

Balance training should be a big component to your fitness program, but it needs to be done in a sequential manner where there is a gradual build up to the end goal. Adding strength onto dysfunction will only lead to further dysfunction, especially when your client is already lacking a bare minimum entrance point to their balance.

The deadlift drag is a great tool for strengthening the posterior chain and connection it with movement. The set up is deadlift hinge with the bell in front. The kettlebell is moved along the ground in a drag utilizing the lats, rhomboids and other muscle of scapular control as well as erectors and glutes. It has helped us to improve scapular control and function in patients that have scapular dyskinesia.

If it wasn’t for kettlebells, I would not be a chiropractor today. I started out with the RKC in 2006 and attended the CK-FMS in 2010. The CK-FMS was the movement program that was based off of the FMS and was taught by Gray Cook and Brett Jones of FMS. It introduced me to movement screening and how to help clients move better, feel better and live better pain free.

Step Five: Swing

The lateral kettlebell deadlift will be a similar build up from the lateral lunge. You can be in in a wide stationary position, then build into a more active movement, and progress it by adding in the crossover step. You can go from a single bell to double bells to help add load and complexity to the exercise.

A5. Kettlebell Thrusters x:30 sec work/:30 sec rest

They taught us a combination of breathing, mindset, and cold therapy to help keep the body and mind in its optimal natural state. In this workshop they went into the physiology and neurology of how this methodology works. We learned the skills and then put them into practice right away, very similar to what we do at HKC and RKC workshops.

Let me put it this way: until you have the strength to strictly press 20% of what you are going to snatch during the test, you have no business practicing for 100% of the ballistics you will be doing.

The boxes I’m talking about are:

A2. Kettlebell Goblet Squat/Elevated KB Goblet Squat 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps

A3. Kettlebell Goblet Squats x:30 sec work/:30 sec rest

But in a world where most people don’t move enough, I wish we could change the conversation to include more movement opportunities, rather than continuously taking things away with “do this, don’t do that” kind of articles.

When to Take the Snatch Test

Programming towards a goal is important. Being really intentional with your time makes sense. But there’s always room for a little bit of movement exploration. Maybe not for professional athletes, but that’s the minority.

The autonomic nervous system is the part of your nervous system that controls involuntary actions like heart rate and blood vessels widening or narrowing. Within your ANS you have your sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for your fight, flight, freeze or fawn response in your body.

Here are a few workouts that you can do using kettlebells to help you accomplish some of your goals for 2023!!

A1. KB Split Squat 5 sets of 5 reps

B3. Half Kneeling Kettlebell Press/Half Press 3 sets of 4-8 reps each side

Mobility warm-up:
Combination of physical therapy and primal movements to activate my core and shoulder and get my heart rate up.

1 Arm Swings: Start with 16kg and build up to 5 sets x 10R, 10L. Once 100 reps achieved, move up to next bell.

The single leg deadlift is one of my favorite exercises to build better balance. This is a similar progression model where we begin with building a solid foundational base of support with both feet flat on the ground. From there clients can progress with a kickstand position then move into an active step back position, then lastly going into a full single leg deadlift. This allows you to build the lever arm of the traveling leg from short to long and from most stable to least stable.

Training for the Snatch Test

But in a world where most people don’t move enough, I wish we could change the conversation to include more movement opportunities, rather than continuously taking things away with “do this, don’t do that” kind of articles.

When you think of kettlebell swings, there is a great amount of hip flexion and extension that is created in which the core should be strong enough to stabilize the lumbar spine to reduce hyper extension at the top of your swing or flexion at the bottom of the swing.

Either way your goals are going to need a tool to help you accomplish these tasks. That’s where kettlebell training can come in. The best part about kettlebell training is that you can either train with a coach in person or hire a coach online and train in the comfort of your own home. A professional will almost certainly help you be more successful in accomplishing your goals as a result of the wise guidance and the ongoing accountability.

A5. 1.5 rep Double Arm Kettlebell Press x6 reps (half way up, back down, all the way up

B2. Kettlebell Deadlift/RDL 3 sets of 6-10 reps

1 Arm Swings

Bottom-Up Press: I started with a 10kg kettlebell and gradually built up to 5 reps. Once I could do 5 reps, I moved up to next kettlebell.

You can begin with a traditional squat and once the technique has been properly mastered you can then move into a kickstand position where you begin to challenge the base of support, because you are raising the heel off the ground and pulled in-line with the fixed heel. From there you can begin to further challenge the position by going into a step back position, then going into a rear foot elevated position where you are creating a greater intensity to your balance and stability.

Before Attempting the Snatch Test

Look, I’m not going to say that the movement is for everyone. And I’m also not going to criticize using the individual components of the getup on their own, there’s gold in those movements. And I’m also not throwing shade at biceps curls. I love a curl.

How this relates to your kettlebell training is having a greater base of support aka your trunk, you will have a lower likelihood of injuring your low back or shoulders. The Hard Style Plank does a great job at teaching us how to create tension and how to breathe behind the shield which means how you are able to maintain stability under load.

It’s that time of year again when most people are wanting to focus on getting back on track with their health and fitness goals. This includes people starting up new gym memberships and starting a workout plan that will help them accomplish the goals they’re setting.

A3. Eccentric Kettlebell Deadlift x6 reps (4 seconds down)

A3. Single Arm Kettlebell Row/Assisted Single Arm Kettlebell Row 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps each side

Strength Block 1:
Overhead Squat
Kettlebell Row
Plank variation
x 3 sets

Kettlebell Row: I worked up to 10 reps/set before moving up to the next kettlebell.

Here are some of my favorite kettlebell exercises to help build and progress in proper balance training.

Train Grind Strength Before Ballistic Strength

I can also tell you that when I give my gen pop clients a bunch of getups in the beginning of their workouts, they move better and have more access to certain ranges of motion throughout the session. Not a bad thing.

When you learn to breathe properly you will begin to feel your stomach, ribs, and chest raise up and widen as you inhale, then begin to create tension and pull together as you exhale. The better you become at feeling your breath and intra-abdominal muscles, the greater your pelvis and spinal stability will be because you have trained the muscles to properly do their job as stabilizers in which you will create greater strength.

William Sturgeon, RKC Team Leader, RKC II trains clients at his gym, Restored Strength. Contact him through his website at or follow him on Facebook:

A2. Ratchet Set Kettlebell Front Squat x5 reps (down all the way, ¼ way up then back down, then ½ way up back down, then all the way up)

When it comes to anything that is causing sharp pain speak with a medical professional to get their expert advice to see what is causing the pain. If it’s dull and achy, proceed with caution and make recommendations to see manual therapy or other modalities that will give your client relief. At my gym, Restored Strength, we primarily work with people who are overcoming or needing help overcoming old or current injuries. Here’s how we work with those clients to help them move and feel better while increasing their strength and endurance.

Mobility warm-up:
Combination of physical therapy and primal movements to activate my core and shoulder. And to raise my heart rate.

I also created a few milestone goals for myself, so I could recognize when it was time to move up to the next size kettlebell or movement progression.

To properly train balance you need to see where you’re at with your client. This can be done by assessing their movement. The FMS does a good job at helping screen for movement capabilities. The assessments that help to determine a client’s balance are the split squat and hurdle step. I prefer to use a single leg stand test which is similar to the hurdle step and ask my client if they can perform a lunge — and if not I test their ankle range of motion by using a simple ankle dorsiflexion test to see where their range of motion is.


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