Little nude girls video

Parents and carers can find information on the NSPCC website that helps them understand the risks and support their child if they’ve been sending, sharing or receiving nude images.

Sexting: sharing nudes and semi-nudes

Sexting is when people share a sexual message and/or a naked or semi-naked image, video or text message with another person. Children and young people may also talk about sharing ‘nudes’, ‘pics’ or ‘dick pics’.

Children and young people may consent to sending a nude image of themselves. They can also be forced, tricked or coerced into sharing images by other young people or adults online.

Whether a child or young person shares an image consensually or not, they have no control over how other people might use or share it.

They may experience bullying or isolation if the image is shared around peer groups. Perpetrators of abuse may circulate a nude image more widely and use this to blackmail a child or groom them for further sexual abuse.

It’s a criminal offence to create or share explicit images of a child. However the law is intended to protect children and not criminalise them. If sexting by a young person is reported to the police, they will make a record but depending on the circumstances they may decide not take any formal action.


Training to help you respond to incidents

Our 3-hour CPD certified online course covers why children and young people may share nude or semi-nude images, the risks involved and what steps you need to take to manage incidents and respond appropriately. You’ll learn about issues including consent, gender, additional needs and age variations, as well the latest legislation and guidance.


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