Старкрафт 2

Community Council Comment: Will no longer 1 shot Probes or Drones with +2 attack.
Reduce some of the strength of mass Baneling armies in the mid game, and reduce the volatility in defending Baneling runbies by requiring multiple Banelings to kill workers. The speed upgrade will require less of an investment, to maintain a similar balance for 2 base Terran Marine Tank based all-ins.

StarCraft II Going Free-To-Play, Explained

We recognize that you might have found your way here after hearing the news that StarCraft II is going free-to-play very soon—on November 14, to be exact. Curious what that actually means? We know “free-to-play” can mean a lot of things for different games, but we’re here to assure you that when we say that we’re making StarCraft II free-to-play, we really mean it.

Starting November 14, you’ll have free access to the original Wings of Liberty single-player campaign and every Co-op Commander, and will be able to unlock access to StarCraft II’s competitive multiplayer content for free. Here is a specific rundown of everything that will be available to you for free:

  • The original Wings of Liberty campaign . Experience the original epic campaign that kicked off the StarCraft II saga! If you picked up Wings of Liberty previously but haven’t come back to StarCraft II in a while, we’ve got good news for you too—if you purchased Wings of Liberty prior to October 31, 2017, you’ll receive the second installment in StarCraft II’s campaign, the zerg-focused Heart of the Swarm, as a limited time offer from November 8 to December 8. Make sure to log in during that window to claim it!
  • You will be able to access the ranked multiplayer ladder to compete with other players to become the best of the best, complete with all of the multiplayer units from Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm, and Legacy of the Void. All you have to do to unlock it permanently is earn 10 First Wins of the Day in Unranked or Versus A.I. play—our way to preserve the quality and integrity of the ranked experience.
  • Current and upcoming Co-op Commanders are available to play for free up to level five, and the level restriction for weekly mutations has been removed. You’ll be able to tackle these extra challenging missions with your friends right away. The Co-op Commanders Raynor, Kerrigan, andArtanis will remain completely free, meaning that you can keep leveling them to your heart’s content.

In other words, you can now play all of StarCraft II’s multiplayer, every Co-op Commander, and the entire first campaign in the single-player story, for free .

If you play through Wings of Liberty and want to see how the rest of the epic single-player saga unfolds, all the other single-player campaigns—Heart of the Swarm, Legacy of the Void, and Nova Covert Ops will be available to purchase individually for $14.99 or as a bundle for $39.99. We will also continue to offer premium upgrades like announcer packs, special skins, and new Co-op Commanders to enhance your StarCraft II experience in a number of different ways. As with the existing line-up of Co-op Commanders, however, you will be able to play upcoming new Co-op Commanders who are released for free until they reach level 5. You can also purchase any of the campaigns or a seasonal War Chest to gain immediate access to ranked play if you desire.

For those of you who have already purchased any of the three campaigns as of October 31, we’ll soon be sending you a small thank-you in the form of an exclusive Ghost skin as well as three new portraits.

Welcome to the StarCraft community, and we hope you enjoy diving into the game anew—or for the first time—with all these exciting new changes!

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Ведомые хитрой и крайне умной Королевой Клинков, зерги готовы обрушиться на галактику, сея ужас и уничтожая все на своем пути. Зерги не пользуются специальными технологиями, не производят оружие, не строят корабли; вместо этого они прибегают к управляемой эволюции и программируемой мутации.

Тысячелетиями представители древней таинственной расы протоссов поддерживали мир и порядок в своей части галактики. Протоссы исключительно сильны благодаря своему великолепному технологическому оснащению и псионной мощи.



  • Fixed an issue where Battlecruiser’s Tactical Jump could place it outside map boundaries.
  • Fixed an issue where building previews were invisible or incorrect.


  • Fixed an issue where Shield Battery’s Stop command did not cancel Recharge.

Prestige Talents for Co-op Commanders

Adding mastery talents to Co-op commanders was our effort to reward those of you who really dug into this game mode and wanted ways to customize and experiment while playing. There’s room for more, though. Now, you can replay the level 1–15 progression for each maxed-out commander up to three times, and earn a new Prestige Talent each time you complete it. These Prestige Talents can completely change the way your commanders play, opening tons of new gameplay options and strategic decisions. Here are a few examples:

We’ve shown you the big stuff, but let’s talk micro. In the sparse (but impactful) words of Abathur “Make faster, stronger… Evolution never over.” Ten years in, we still believe that StarCraft II is an ever-evolving game, with features and improvements we can add to upgrade the quality of life for players in every mode. Here are just a couple additions coming with this patch, but you can expect to see more in the future:

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