Three days grace

By the time Three Days Grace’s first single «I Hate Everything About You» spearheaded their success in 2003 the band had already been together since 1992. The group reforged itself in 1997 and changed its original name, Groundswell, to Three Days Grace. When explaining the meaning of the new name, Adam Gontier once said (per, «If you had three days to change something in your life, could you do it?» It’s this attitude of questioning that not only defined Three Days Grace’s lyrics and outlook, but Gontier’s life path after leaving the band in 2013.

What Happened To Three Days Grace’s Original Lead Singer After He Left?

Breakups and bands do seem to go hand in hand. It’s easy to lose track of all the musicians who have fled former bands, gotten fired, had disputes with band members and record labels, outgrown a particular musical venture, and so forth. In the case of Three Days Grace singer Adam Gontier, his 2013 departure for health-related issues caused a stir among fandom. But by now everyone has moved on, including Gontier.


Back in 2003 the Canadian outfit released its self-titled debut album, «Three Days Grace,» and in 2006 their follow-up «One-X,» both of which went platinum in the U.S. and Canada. The band’s music fits squarely in commercial rock territory, was accessible across a variety of tastes, and ultimately found a following of millions. Gontier’s voice took center stage as the band took off, and was an integral part of the group and its sound.

Come January 2013, though — four albums into Three Days Grace’s currently seven-album discography — and Gontier called it quits, saying via Loudwire, «After 20 years of being part of an ever evolving band, I have been inspired by life, to move on and to continue to evolve on my own terms.« It’s still a bit unclear why he left, but in the days since he joined supergroup Saint Asonia, which released its first album in 2015. By all accounts Gontier and his former bandmates have kept up a good relationship, and they chat and hang out regularly. Gontier even rejoined Three Days Grace in 2023 for a couple old songs onstage.


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